Week of October 10, 2022 Small World Seafood Update

Kind of a funny feeling weekend. It felt so hot in the sun during the day and really chilly in the shade and at night. If you hadn't felt the days get shorter, this weekend there would be no mistake. We are definitely moving toward a deep winter and it makes me feel melancholic, of sorts.

The mood in the city is up. The Eagles are winning, the Phillies move forward to the next round in the playoffs. Yet, the world around us feels troubled. It's hard to tune that out and feel joy for very long before feeling a little remorse that we could have it so good.

But that's how life is. As a great mentor of mine once told me as we debated the virtues of a glass half empty or half full, he said "Robert, actually, you are the glass. When you are half full, you are also half empty. When you are mostly empty, you can be a little full. You are both and embracing and accepting that keeps you whole." Wise words indeed.

Well, onto fish. This week, we don't see much many boats coming in with anything of significance. The waters have been roiled, fish have moved around and there needs to be a little settling before the fishermen find their spots. So, we will look to our friends out west in Idaho for some delicious and pristine Rainbow trout! Its been a couple of months since we've had some and we miss it! You will be able to buy it wither head ON or Head OFF. Both versions will be boneless. Such a great fish to cook up easily. Goes great with our Mediterranean seafood marinade and I think I may stuff my rainbow trout with a fishcake. Yeah. Those mighty fishcakes.

I am waiting to see what boats land in the next day or two for another featured item but waiting is all I can do. I love waiting. It's my favorite. Right above root canal and bruised rib. My favorite...

Anyway, love to see so many of you enjoy 3-4lb full sides of salmon so we will continue to offer them up along with our regular portioned 2lb bags of Faroe Island salmon. Once you eat salmon that good, how do you ever look at other salmon the same?

Hokkaido scallops are around. Crab meat is around. Smoked albacore spread is around. Littleneck clams are the shellfish of the week. Oysters, not sure yet.

We are working on a fun red sauce for you guys. Still in progress and more on that many in a couple of days.

And we have fish cakes. Now, this is going to gash an open sore for me. I write often about how to prepare them. Thaw first, 425F oven, spray with oil, bake 15 minutes. People are still asking me how to prepare it. Go ahead, ask me, you sadist...see how much I love that too..

And that's it for today. I know, I know, lots of words. But, hey, lots of info too, no?


Robert Amar

Small World Seafood


James Reese