JUNE 7, 2021
Well, another week of fun with seafood out there!! i love it!!! Sometimes me and Andy ask ourselves if a particular item will sell or not. We question ourselves and you, for that matter. We go back and forth with it and then we just say, "Fuck it", let's do it. What's the worst that can happen, right? Well, that happened once again with the shrimp shumai. Wow!!! You guys bought so many of them and we are so happy. We knew if was an excellent product and so many of you have fed back to us about how much you loved them. You motivate us to try to bring you new items that can also be quick to prepare. Time is speeding up again, if you haven't noticed. Maybe because you've been running around like a maniac, probably...
Aaaaaanyway, this week, signs are beginning to point in a more right direction for a couple of things while some things are going through the cycle of getting worse before they get better again. It looks like we will possible jump on some Atlantic salmon next week as pressure in those markets are beginning to ease. This week, though, we will be featuring Steelhead trout once again. I am so happy that so many of you have discovered that you really love this species. As it is sushi grade as well, it makes for one amazing flavored poke or just simply roasted in the oven. Sooooo good. I think that it would be nice feature it once a month if we roll into the Atlantic salmon more consistently. Same for Char too.
One feature this week will be lovely mahi mahi from the Gulf of Mexico. Such a great, moist fish to pop on the grill or pan sear. And the taco shell meets mahi love story is one of the finest out there. Very lovey dovey..One of the things i love about this fish is how much heat and spice it can take. Cajun, blackened, etc. And then, how well it goes with tropical fruit salsas using mango, orange, limes..I mean, come on....
The next feature is something many of you have been clamoring for us to get again. We've tried. Boy, have we tried but some things ain't easy. Buuuut, this week, it looks like the stars are aligning and we will be getting more soft shells!! Yes!! This time from New Jersey. We hope. As with everything, we will only be sure when they arrive to us. Fingers crossed...Just remember, if we do it, this may be the last time year for it. The season is pretty short for good, abundant softies. And that slow cook recipe on our website? My Lord is that a great way to make them...
Next, the snacky-snack-easy-thing-to-prepare-item of the week will be more Unagi. Yes, another delicious super high quality item that restaurants (the good ones, anyway) get. So easy to just heat up, lay over a rice bowl with some veggies, tell your kids it's chicken and you are ready to go!! Oh, and PLEASE make yourself some eel. sauce to drizzle over it. So easy to make and keeps forever so make a lot. As always, recipes are on the website, smallworldseafood.com.
Mussels are on the menu this week. Oysters are Onsets from Buzzards Bay in Massachusetts. And we may have a surprise or two if we can manage it.
Lastly, so many of you have been asking us lately if we plan on continuing doing this or go back to just wholesale. Lots of other companies are doing just that. Well, first of all, we've always said that as long as you guys keep showing up, we will too. We like the relationships we have formed with so many of you. We love the community that we are. So let me say it out loud. We aren't going anywhere, baby!!!
In so many ways, we think that going directly to you with seafood is actually a better, fresher, more sustainable process for seafood. We choose to sell what is abundant and good and fresh in that particular week. By shifting your demands away from always wanting what we want when we want it to demanding what is available in the moment, we create sustainability in the system. The demands should be on the consumers and not the producers. If we stopped asking for strawberries in January, there would be no need to haul over long distances crappy product that is manipulated to look good but, in fact tastes bad. We could also look forward to seasonal variations and mourning the passing on of products we loved. It's a better way to eat. It's a better way to live. It's better for the entire ecosystem, actually. We want to continue to be a part of that. So, once again, we are not going to change! (Though we will evolve..) This song sums it up. Ahhh...early 80s....
Look out for the order form Wednesday morning at 11am.
Robert Amar
Small World Seafood