MARCH 18, 2021
First off, some people are having problems with the order form saying everything is out of stock. It is not. The problem is coming from your end. You need to 'clear the cache' on your browsers. We are all spending a lot of time online now which is causing it to fill up. Kind of like a vacuum cleaner. You gotta replace the bag once in a while..
Well, we know we are getting to that pivot point in the year when Passover and Easter are coming up. Not only do we really feel the temperature and climate change, we see trees bud, flowers bloom and allergies start to drive us crazy...ahhhhhhh......chooo!!!!!! Can't wait...
The other thing that happens a little more quietly is that the foods we see and eat begin to change as well. In the world of fish on the east coast, many species are ending their migrations at sea and coming in to deltas and estuaries to lay eggs. many of these species will also become off limits to many fishermen as quotas kick in and remove supply from the market. I say this because one of the fish we are featuring this week will begin to be hard to get and much more expensive. Striped Bass. We have had a nice run with it over the last 5 months or so but this may be ending in the next couple of weeks. Same for Black Bass. We will be rolling into different fish but needless to say, take advantage while it's here.
Our other fish feature is fluke fillet. This elegant fish is so nice to cook simply with a little dredge in a hot pan. On a side note, a few of you have been asking for carp or pike to make gefilte fish. Unfortunately, the markets have been thin to bare on this fish. Reasons span lack of demand and Covid related fear on the part of suppliers to lose money on it. Now, I know that carp is traditional. I'm part of the tribe myself so I get it. But there is no reason to really get stuck on that. Lake fish is used traditionally because that was what was available to people living in Eastern Europe. We have different fish here that are far tastier anyway. So, may I suggest you use fluke and our fish stock. Then juge it up the way you like it. You can freeze the fish for next week and then make it as usual. It makes amazing dumplings. In fact, you can even use striped bass. Take a breath. It's aaaaaall going to be fine. Anyway, think about it. When the hell do you ever eat carp? Yeah, exactly. With open minds, here is a good recipe for gefilte fish using flat fish.
Mussels are on the menu this week! Irish Point oysters are here for a nice St Patty's toast. Smile away!! Salmon is looking great. Peruvian Bay Scallops are looking super nice.
Anyway, I just hope you all had a great St Patrick's Day and a great first day of Spring coming up. Here is the order form.
Robert Amar
Small World Seafood