JUNE 17, 2020


I gotta tell ya, it's such a pleasure to portion certain fish like halibut and tuna. The color, the tenderness, the texture. People like us that have worked in restaurant kitchens in the past have developed these sense memories from repetition that are such a part of our DNA. Anyway, that's a wonky thought but there it is.

So, we made an adjustment to the 'How it Works' page that will help those using a cell phone or tablet to order. You see, previously, you had to tap on the menu bar to go to that page and some of you didn't know to look there. You will see a couple of links on that page now but please make sure you read that first page so that you know the times for the stops. They were all listed last week and I was still getting a ton of emails asking where to pick up and what time. This is especially important for the newbies. And for those who did not read the email from Monday, The Philadelphian stop has been moved to the  'Bulldog' park triangle bordered by 25th St, Fairmount St and Pennsylvania Ave. Issues with management there and we want to keep the peace and delivering to those who can't venture far.

So, Tuna is back!! Beautiful tuna loins are such a pleasure to work with and, eat, of course. This is definitely sushi grade so you could eat it raw or very rare. Here is a nice recipe for tuna tartare from our website.


Halibut fillet is on the menu as well. We keep the skin on to help in the cooking process. You can always peel it off after you cook it or before if you are handy with a knife but it definitely helps keep the fish together and prevents it from falling apart. We have a terrific recipe on our website for that as well.

Oysters will be Beaver Tails from Rhode Island. Mussels will be from PEI once again.

Fresh Jumbo lump is still around thankfully.

And that's it from me. Here is the link to the order form.


See you tomorrow,

Robert Amar

Small World Seafood
