DECEMBER 9, 2020


Dec 9, 2020, 10:59:23 AMto smallworldseafood1HELLO EVERYONE!!!!
I'm sure many of you are chomping at the bit to order after last week's early frenzy. I will try to make it quick then in this email. And remember, the week of Christmas and New Years, we will be sending out order forms Monday for pick up Tuesday.
So, fish first. We really are very lucky, all things considered, to have access to wonderful fish at this time of year. Quotas on catches need to be completed since there are no rollovers for the next year. Also, colder waters mean fattier fish which, in turn means more flavor. Striped bass is my next favorite bass around but no sloucher, indeed. In fact the smaller fillets are more flavorful than those coming from larger fish. And so beautiful on the plate. And the price is down a buck a pound. You can also use the same recipe for black bass from our website for a delish fish.
Monkfish is one truly underrated fish. One of the ugliest fish out there but with a flavor and texture that  has earned the nickname, Poor man's lobster. Absolutely terrific in a stew or curry (recipe on our site). At $8lb, quite a great value.
Salmon prices continue to go up heading into the  Christmas season. Supermarkets are gobbling everything up due to closed restaurants everywhere driving the price up. We will hold it at $10lb. Bay scallops are back again. Love those sweet little things. Clams are on the menu. Pink Moons are the oyster of choice. 
Hanukkah begins tonight so we are loading up a little on smoked fish. We are adding kippered salmon and trout roe to top you bagels or latkes this weekend. Yay!!
Now onto the special stuff. The first item is fish stock. This was prepared by our friends at Rouge on Rittenhouse Square. An essential ingredient for making soups, stew and chowders. Take all of your misfit and orphans seafood in your freezer and do something elegant with it. Cioppino, Bouillabaisse, fisherman's stew. Have fun! Sold frozen so use it when you want.
Lastly, we have deconstructed escargots. Many of you have been looking for gift ideas. Well, here is a great one plus some for yourself. We are selling the 2 dozen snails tin (4.4oz net weight) for you to prepare yourself. The shelf life is very long running through 2024. Along with that, escargot shells which aren't necessary but lots of fun. Those two things make a thoughtful gift for anyone. Lastly, a parsley garlic butter prepared by Pierre Calmels from Bibou ( Simple to make yourself but not easy to make well. We have frozen it to extend shelf life for you but it thaws out quickly. Use it for the snails or for potatoes or to top off a seared steak tableside for a posh presentation. Maybe even garlic bread or clams casino. Such a fun thing to play with. 
And that's me keeping it short. Epic fail. is the order form. See you tomorrow.

Robert AmarSmall World SeafoodOwner