MAY 13, 2021
What a fun list of things for everyone to play with this week! With all the winds and madness out there with supply in a host of categories, the passage to seafood Nirvana was a little treacherous. But, hey, it wouldn't taste as good...
First up on the list is Steelhead trout fillet. We are, once again, NOT selling Atlantic salmon because of the big shortages, high prices and inconsistent quality. So, we are visiting a cousin once again. Steelhead is a lesser known cousin in the salmon family. Not sure why, exactly. It is a superb fish. It is really the same as Rainbow trout which are smaller and reside in the fresh waters of brooks and streams until they get big enough to go out to sea. Then they are called Steelheads. Beautiful fat lines, flavor closer to trout than salmon but cooks the same. This particular fish is farmed sustainably in Scotland and is sushi grade so perf for pokes, sushi, ceviches and crudos.
Next up this week is soft shell crabs!!! Yay!!!! So many of you enjoyed them last year and so many of you didn't get the chance. Some people consider Memorial Day the kick off to summer. To me, it is soft shells appearing. These little beauties come from North Carolina and are packed with meat. We dress, or clean, them for you so that they are ready to cook. Keep in mind that they are sensitive at this point since they just shed their shells. They should be eaten within two days or frozen right away for later. Also keep in mind that our dredge would go great if you plan on a good pan fry. Maybe also a slab of Bibou parsley garlic butter, right? Be a little cautious when you cook softies dry in a hot pan or grill them. They can pop and you don't want to get burned. One of my favorite recipes controls for this and produces the best sauce. Eat it like this or add pasta and be blown away. Here is the recipe by M ark Bittman from the New York Times also available on our website. it's a really good one.
Last feature this week which we haven't done in a while is skate wing. What a delicious thing to cook and so easy. And it is cheap. Win! We remove the skin but keep the meat on the cartilage. It is referred to as dressed in this way. The reason we do this is that is makes it extremely easy to pan fry on each side without the meat curling and it retains all of its moisture. When fully cooked, you can just scrape your fork along the mat and pluck off a few striations at a time. Just amazing. If you've never had it, you must. Another great recipe from our website:
See? Told you we were going to have fun around this time of year!! Mussels are the shellfish of the week. Oysters are Acadian Pearls from PEI aaaaaaaand that's it for seafood.
As mentioned in our previous email, we are passing the hat around to help out some good folks doing good things. People's Kitchen iN South Philly has been helping feed those with food insecurity since the start of Covid. We have a $2 button if you would like to give a little. No pressure. Also, if you buy a tote bag, $2 from that will go as well. We will match what you give. You guys are amazing, by the way. In two days, 60 of you have gone to their website and become sustaining donors. So proud to be part of our community. Really. For those that missed out on info about them, here is the link once again.
So, that's it from me. Have at it. here is the order form.
See you tomorrow,
Robert Amar
Small World Seafood