SEPTEMBER 14, 2020


Well, if I ever get into a street fight, I know who I can call on. Boy, you guys came to my defense with flames and pitchforks! i love it! But relax everyone. This isn't about starting a fight anyway. We love anybody anyway.

So for two weeks now, the markets have been upside down. There was no salmon one week and the trout turned out to be bad and halibut was no good last week. I imagine that some of you feel a little like this:

In the aforementioned spirit of things, this week, we will be featuring Sablefish or Black Cod as you may have seen on most Japanese menus. They are one and the same. This fish is quite oily which gives it its luxurious texture and is really well suited to a miso glaze which adds a little earthiness and sweetness. Here is a quick recipe that actually uses salmon but was first made famous with Black cod (sablefish). I will post it on our website, as well.

Also, we will be showcasing swordfish from up good friends up in Canada. These Nova Scotia swords are cleaner and creamier than swords that come from warmer waters. Those who have tried our sword already will attest to the fact that they never tasted sword so good. Well, yeah. Really fresh and from really cold waters. Better for sure.

Oysters this week will be coming from the Duxbury area of the Cape. These Standish Shores oysters are meaty and robust in flavor. It will be nice to contrast these Massachusetts babies to the PEIs we've been mainly featuring.

Mussels are back and, no worries. fresh salmon is here as well.

Lastly, let's talk smoked fish. Many of us have been shoving lots of smoked fish down our throats. My golden retriever, Schnitzel, has been so happy with the smoked salmon and trout. His coat is shimmering for sure. it can have that effect. In fact, I have noticed some of you even admiring the glistening of my eyebrows with an extra long stare. With all the smoked fish I've been eating, they should be downright glowing.

Well, with the Jewish High Holidays coming up for the next couple of weeks, we will be offering several smoked products. We will be adding kippered salmon along with the smoked salmon, whitefish salad and smoked trout. I know this will initiate my wife's Hungarian Ashkenazi DNA to start  be pumping extra levels of dopamine through her frontal cortex. In other words, she'll be extra happy and that's all that matters. Hopefully it does the same for you regardless of where your DNA comes from.

Anyway, that's it from me for today. Look out for the order form on Wednesday at 11am.


Robert Amar

Small World Seafood
