OCTOBER 5, 2020

 Oh, Lordy. I usually start by saying 'what a week' but, honestly, are there any words? I feel like I am living through some crappily written show that has jumped the shark into absurdity. Honestly, it's like living through a bad soap opera from the 80's. I was thinking what if someone fell into a coma six months ago andd woke up to find the world not only totally different. I don't know. If I was sitting by their bedside as they woke up and they asked me, "what did i miss?",  I couldn't even imagine telling someone what has happened over the last six months without them thinking I was totally f--king with them. Especially when I got to this past week. Oy.

Anyway, all I know is that the redfish was amazing last week. Cooking it on the half shell was SO much fun and that fish was delicious!! You can tell when fall weather comes around, too, because mussels were very popular. Clams are coming up this week and you can feel the warmth of preparing pasta dishes and brothy bowls of whatever. It is October after all and it's nice to sit over a steamy bowl of anything.

It looks like we will return to the Carolinas for one of our fresh specials for the week. We haven't done this since last June so it is pretty exciting. Wild Speckled trout!!! This delicious fish was raved about that time and I can't wait to eat some up, myself. We will be selling them as skin on fillets. Hopefully, anyway. Not sure about the other special fish yet. Here is a classic recipe for trout.


This week, we will be featuring Pink Oysters from Massachusetts and frozen cod loin once again. Now, speaking of the cod, we screwed up. We put in 5 pieces instead of six so we will be bringing a bunch with us to give out to everyone that was shorted. We apologize about that and thank you to those who reached out to tell us. We will definitely fix it for you. Just let us know when you get to the truck if you ordered cod last week and we will give you the missing piece.

Also this week, we will be doing cheese again from Third Wheel Cheese Co. Yay!!! This week's selection will be:

Noblette Brie, pasteurized cow milk, Calkins Creamery - Brie
Seven Sisters, pasteurized cow milk, Farm at Doe Run - Alpine/Gouda inspired
Clover, raw cow milk, Clover Creek Cheese Cellars - Cave aged cheddar
Fromage Blanc, pasteurized cow milk, Haven Farmstead - Fromage Blanc

So no bleu cheese this week. Some will be happy and some will be sad. Ahhhh...

Lastly, we will be switching out our whitefish salad this month for a CHUNKY whitefish salad. This is also from the good folks at Acme in Brooklyn. This whitefish salad has more texture than the one you have been eating. Both are great but I thought that changing things a bit would be fun. Cheers to those that bought trout roe last week as well. These little pearls are smaller than salmon eggs and so good on a cracker or folded into omelets. So good!!! We will have more this week.

Anyway, I think that's all I've got. We are going to have fun with fish for the next few months or so with some seasonal shifting. It's gonna be fun. In the meantime, here is a little video about how to deal with the highs and lows of things. I find the story helpful.


Look out for the order form this Wednesday at 11am.


Robert Amar

Small World Seafood
