OCTOBER 21, 2020


Well, it is fun seeing seasonal changes around us. Things have been so crazy this year that it is easy to overlook things like the leaves changing and the days getting shorter. Our brains are overloaded for sure.

This week is a first for us this year with striped bass. We are so excited about it and it looks beautiful. This fish comes from our friends in Maryland. The fillets are skin on and we've pin-boned them for you as well. You can check out many of our recipes on smallworldseafood.com for how to prepare a fillet skin on. These aren't the huge fillets you see up north in the  summer time. These are smaller fillets and extremely easy to handle in the home kitchen.

Second on the list is fluke from New Jersey. This fish is referred to as flounder or fluke flounder in these parts but is NOT similar to sole or sole flounder. It is a thicker fillet skin off and more  similar to halibut, really. So easy to cook. So simple and elegant in flavor and texture. Just a classy fish.

Jonah crab claws are back this week. We are happy about that. Pink Moon Oysters from PEI are back as well. Clams are the fashion this week. Salmon got cheaper. We are featuring a different squid this week that comes to you as rings and tentacles so the work is done. All good stuff.

On the  smoked fish side of things, kippered (hot smoked) salmon is back. The whitefish salad is still really chunky and we will be adding another smoked salmon choice for this week only. There is a company up in Boston called Spence that approached us about smoked salmon. It is a little different than the nova salmon from Acme. Not better. Not worse. Different. This is a Scottish style smoked salmon that a certain prominent supermarket charges $9 for 4oz. We will be selling a 1lb tray for $26. We are not doing a battle of the smoked salmons here. We just want to give them a little feature since they gave us a great price we can pass on and give you guys the option at a little variety at a great price.

Lastly, this week, we will be featuring Shevy's Babka Paradise (shevysbabka.com). Her chocolate babka is fabulous. It's pretty rich so if that's not your bag of tea, you are forewarned. If you like babka, you will be in heaven.

One final note. We would like to continue to feature items from people around the city. It is supposed to be fun. It is not an exercise in food criticism. We value constructive criticism so that we can adapt for you effectively but could do without rude emails venting vitriolic spew at us for featuring these items. We've always placed civility, patience and humanity at the front of all this. We are a community. This isn't cage fighting. It's just food people. Keep things light and have fun with it. And remember, someone put effort into it. If you don't care for it, that's simply your taste and that's ok. my 11 year old daughter, Leah, knows better. When she doesn't like something I make for dinner, her response isn't "gross!". It's "Not to my taste but I tried it". She is a good example.

Anyway, we still love you all no matter what. Here is the order form.


See you tomorrow,

Robert Amar
Small World Seafood